Yaser Naseri

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Yaser Naseri is a Glow Up Careers Course Participant & Former Refugee

Yaser escaped from Iran after the Green Revolution began around 2009, which was heavily suppressed by the government.

He embarked on an unknown journey to Indonesia where he was imprisoned several times and made 5 attempts to take a boat to Australia.

One sank in the middle of the Indian Ocean leaving only Yaser and 36 out of 250 other asylum seekers to survive.

But survive he did.

With the help of UNHCR, Yaser finally arrived in Australia in 2014. Having no educational background, he started from scratch studying English at TAFE, then received a scholarship to Sydney University, and is now finishing a Bachelor of Commerce degree there.

Yaser has faced extraordinary and unprecedented challenges throughout his journey and now he shares his story in high schools, universities with other refugees to inspire them, and change their trajectory.

Find out about Yaser’s Session below:

And to connect with him via LinkedIn, click here:


Nicky Brown


Bec Brown