Nicky Brown

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Nicky Brown is NSW State Councillor with AHRI (Australian Human Resources Institute)

Nicky is a deeply experienced Human Resources professional who has held a number of Leadership roles across multiple industries.

Currently she is Head of People and Culture at Hireup.

Hireup’s online platform is looking to revolutionise the way people with disability hire and manage support workers by harnessing technology and connecting people with shared interests. 

Nicky started her HR career in 1999 in the UK working across hotel, manufacturing, local government and publishing sectors, ultimately moving to Australia in 2010.

She is a highly passionate and driven individual with proven ability to work collaboratively with business leaders to build competitive advantage from leadership, people and culture. Nicky is a Fellow Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and a Fellow Certified Practitioner of AHRI.

Find out about Nicky’s Session below:

And to connect with her via LinkedIn, click here:


Nick Bowditch


Yaser Naseri